Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Tick Tock Goes The Clock

Time, Time, Time. Our last sesion of time BOO WHOO. It was really fun to do the activities especially the techie challenge to measure a time of one minute. It was really fun today because we had a big discussion about whether or not time is what you see when you look at a clock, or is time what you remember to see in your mind. I learned that you never see yesterday or tomorrow!

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Time for Prezi

"Go on to Prezi and make an account to make you prezitation" Katie said, so that is what we did. We made a Prezi account ( by the way if you don't have a clue what prezi is it is a website where you can make posters). Theres a lot of templates to chose from. I chose a world map to show the places i've been here it is.

Here is the link!!!  http://prezi.com