Tuesday, 9 July 2013

My writing style is a bit different today because we were learning calligraphy. It is really fun. First we did the practice figures and then we moved onto the tricky letters. It was really hard.Now we are can do a wordle - a shape of calligraphy  letters or a picture of letters. I’ve always wanted to do calligraphy so this was prefect.

Thanks for reading,

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Custom Glitter Text

Long time no see. Sorry I have not posted in a while we were doing reflections so we did not have time to post. Where was I at last time oh yeah I was posting about poetry but we finshed that so I will go on to Art. We were printing our lino prints. This is what you: your first print is a fully black one. Then you go and choose you ink to do a insurance print. An insurance print is a print so even if you mess up on your others you still have a good print. It is lots of fun!

Long time no see,
